About AFEA
Non-Governmental Organization...
The AFEA was founded in 1967 by a young women from the city of Nantes, Jacqueline Delhoste in order to provide financial support to Snehasadan.
The organization is managed by a Board of Administration whose members are all volunterrs (excepted a secretary working part-time). The working expenses are reduced and transparent. The AFEA accounts overs 1200 members and is the sole approved french organization to collect funds for Snehasadan.
For 40 years AFEA has been strenghtening warm and friendly relations with Snehasadan through regular contacts and visits un Mumbai (at the expense of each volunteer willing to travel to India). Today the AFEA is extending the same actions to Snehasadan friendly organization : Navajyothi and Anand Ashram, both handled by friends and relations of Father Placido Fonseca.
The AFEA uses communication only if it is free. The enthusiasm and word of mouthof our members are the best way to promote our organization.
How to help AFEA?
You can sponsor a child :
The sponsorship of the children who live in the different houses has been the base for the action of AFEA members since its beginning.
The cost for taking care of a child is 23€ per month, meaning 276€ per year. In return you will receive :
- the biodata of this child alongwith his photograph
- the detailed datasheet of the house he lives
- one letter or a drawing from him twice a year
You can make a donation for the whole projects :
the amount of donations is distributed according to the different needs :
- You may direct your donation to a particular organization or project :
- one house
- one railway station shelter
- if you decide to sponsor a child or to help a house or a dedicated project you will get a receipt that will allow you to get income tax benefit (in France : 66% of income tax within 20% of taxable income)
The payment modes
- annual check or transfer
- monthly, quarterly or half-yearly payments at your convenience
- monthly automatic bank tranfer (please request from Muriel from Nantes office)